Computer Virus Attacks Avoiding Without Using Antivire

For users of Windows Operating System may have been very "friendly" with a Computer Virus name. How?? Yes, because the Windows Operating System Operating System is the most vulnerable to computer viruses. So for Windows users are strongly encouraged to keep the computers in order to avoid the attack of the virus. The most common way to do is to install anti-virus on the computer. However, in this tutorial will discuss how to protect our computers without using Anti Virus. Wokey Cekidooot ... ^ - ^


Merakit PCMerakit PC Komputer
Develop PC Computer This fact I've discussed in (HOW ASSEMBLE PC) but since many readers who still do not understand because it is too complicated, this time I will discuss it with practical .. Well .. Hopefully Helpful
How To Assemble a PCMastering the assembly of PCs easily, quickly, and practicalv Install the motherboardv Replacing the Processorv Installing the Fan ...

Perkembangan teknologi komputer meningkat dengan cepat, hal ini terlihat pada era tahun 80-an jaringan komputer masih merupakan teka-teki yang ingin dijawab oleh kalangan akademisi, dan pada tahun 1988 jaringan komputer mulai digunakan di universitas-universitas, perusahaan-perusahaan, sekarang memasuki era milenium ini terutama world wide internet telah menjadi realitas sehari-hari jutaan manusia di muka bumi ini.
Selain itu, perangkat keras dan perangkat lunak jaringan telah benar-benar berubah, di awal perkembangannya hampir seluruh jaringan dibangun dari  kabel koaxial, kini banyak telah diantaranya dibangun dari serat optik (fiber optics) atau komunikasi tanpa kabel.



The constraints in computer mengupgarde fraction we experienced so that we become uncomfortable about this, one that we experience is when we are going to want to upgrade the memory (RAM) in this case the memory function is to help improve processor performance is sometimes not appropriate we want an example we want to optimize, improve computer performance instead the opposite is true that computer becomes not optimal, and the performance levels also decreased from 100% to about 25% there is not half right?.

Usually this happens when you mnambahkan new memory or you put two pieces of memory. These problems may be very disturbing us, but you take it easy I'll tell you what the problems that often occur and at the same remedies. Okay next I will explain a good look .........


Have you ever menagalami problems like this ?.... and taukah you how to handle it, if a problem like this once you have encountered, whether the characteristic problem like this "Computers can boot and no beep, but the monitor screen still remains in the dark / blank". If you come across something like this , then you must do in order to monitor return to normal is as follows, please refer to fine [....]


Once we select the processor then the next we will choose the core components that are useful to put all the computer components termasik yaiti Processor Motherboard, why is this section be regarded as a core part? because in this section is a place of mutual in connection / interaction between hardware other parts, Well if you want to buy a motherboard to assemble a computer then the things you should consider include the following [...]


Hi sorry not ya long time since posting, because again there are jobs to be done school sempet would not update the article. In this article I will give you how to increase virtual memory on the computer, things like this are used when if you work with many applications require to run then you need an additional virtual memory that can help improve PC performance .[..]


Things may happen to most people is to forget that man whose name was not spared from lupa.Untuk case this time I will discuss how to solve the problem if we forget the password in the BIOS it BIOS.Password account functionality to serve as a safety net for people other unauthorized persons can not vary the settings / rules of the BIOS on your computer. Well if we had not opened the possibility of BIOS you forget the password that you created, what do you do when things like this happen to you as you certainly do not want this thing to happen to you ?.[...]

Tips for Advanced Computer

Said to be a proficient computer is not difficult, based on my experience here are some tips to ease in learning the computer:

Computers have, of course, try to proficiently use a computer must have a computer first, the logic is when we have a computer, it will be easier for us to access it at any time, and it certainly will help us to learn computers.
Know Your computer, in accordance with the terms "do not know it was love", then that term applies in this case. Get to know our computers both in terms of its hardware and software so that it will be easier for us to adapt when learning in accordance with the specifications of the computer.
Brave Attempt, this is the most important thing in learning a computer, because with many mencobalah us will be familiar with computers, once accustomed to it then we will not feel awkward anymore when dealing with computers.
Expert asked, when we encounter problems, do not ever hesitate to ask for the person we think is better know, by asking us to solve problems more easily, and by asking all our insights will grow so that it will motivate us to continue to learn.
Practice! After asking then we have to do is try to practice it directly. Try to practice it themselves, do not be too often ask others to give examples and direct us.
Never Fear, Well, it's really important point, do not ever feel afraid that we are damaging the computer. I myself very, very often damage a computer, even if I may say, of a computer breakdown that we will get valuable experience which must always support our efforts to learn more.
Be Open, when we learn his true computer we're dealing with technology, and when we are "dealing" with the technology, then we will never stop learning, technology will continue to grow so does the computer, do not be afraid to always explore and develop themselves in terms of technology. Develop a curiosity and come up with "trial and error". (-_-)"
Well, hopefully these tips above can help us to continue to learn and develop themselves, especially in terms of technology. If anyone have any other tips in learning computers please if you want to add.


Computer science network - a network computer is very necessary to be studied below are some things that might be useful for you money want to know what a computer network and how to work, if you want to see the history of computers please look in on the historical development of computers.

Communication was initially dependent on transportation: roads between cities, between provinces / states and between countries / continents. Then communication can occur remotely via telegraph (1844), telephone (1867), electromagnetic radio waves (1889), commercial radio (1906), television broadcast (1931), then through television, the world became smaller because people can learn and get information about happening in other parts of the world. In telecommunications, information conveyed through signals. Signals are of two kinds:

Kinds of kinds of signal

1. Digital: specifically refers to information that is represented by two
state 0 or 1. Digital data transmitted by the two conditions represented only 0 and 1 .....